Personal Safety training for teenagers

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Lock Up Your Daughters* – (And Other Unrealistic Suggestions for 21st Century Living)
Any parent will tell you their greatest concern is for the safety of their children. Conscientious parents wouldn’t dream of letting younger children cross the road without teaching them how to cross safely – so why is it so hard to provide the same life skills when teenagers start to socialise independently?
The answer may be that teenagers simply don’t want to listen to over protective parents. Or perhaps parents don’t feel able to provide the right advice – after all the world is now a very different place to how it was even thirty years ago. For these reasons schools are now starting to buy in life skills training for teenagers about to make their way in the world for the first time.

Life Skills Training
So what does the training cover? For pupils of Silverdale School, a beacon language academy in Sheffield, this training has been on offer for over ten years. The programme covers managing personal safety awareness, risks to be aware of when visiting, local public houses, night clubs, taking taxis, and generally going out and about alone in an unfamiliar city – a common experience for students heading off to university for the first time. Students new to an unfamiliar town experiencing independence for the first time often find it exciting to visit backstreet pubs where they will be unfamiliar with the area, its reputation or, once inebriated may even have difficulty finding their way home. This can pose its own risks as students new to and unfamiliar with an area may be easily identified by local thugs who see them as easy targets.
So here are a few of the simple tips taught by Brooks Jordan –
When you go clubbing/partying
• If possible try to go out as a group of friends or at least arrange for someone to be your nightclub buddy for the night.
• Arrange to regroup at the end of the evening to travel home together.
• If an individual wants to go home separately make sure the rest of the group know where that person is going and who with.
• If someone you don’t know offers to buy you a drink, make sure you watch the drink being served and handed to you.
• It is also best to drink bottled beers straight from the bottle. However undignified this may seem, it makes it much more difficult for someone to drop something in to a bottle than a wide necked glass (Date Rape drugs etc ). Although this practice can cause other problems e.g Wails decease
• Don’t leave your drinks unattended – leave someone you can trust to watch over them or finish your drink before leaving it.
• Watch out for each other – if one of your group seems suddenly disorientated or appears to be drunk without having had too much to drink, speak to one of the bar staff or club security team quickly and ask for help. It is now a legal requirement for door staff to be trained to identify and deal with someone who may have been given a date rape drug.
• Women out partying should also pay attention to their environment both the area – student accommodation can often be located in rougher neighbourhoods – and also the venue itself. In particular women should avoid drinking too much and should remain aware of their surroundings at all times. Being aware of warning/danger signs alerting you to potential dangers is far more difficult if you are under the influence of drink or drugs.

Personal Safety when travelling.
Getting Home
• Make sure you have the number of a trusted taxi company handy
• Order the taxi as if you were ordering it for someone else (find a quiet spot to do this)
• For example – ‘I’d like a taxi for my sister please’ ‘Yes – travelling from Upper Parliament Street Nottingham to High Street Beeston’. ‘ What time shall I tell her to expect you?’….. ‘How long will it take her to get here?’ ‘What’s the name of the driver?’
• This gives the impression that there is someone at home expecting you to get home, knows what time this will be and the name of the driver and the taxi firm if you don’t arrive at the agreed time.
• When the taxi arrives make it sound as if you’re just receiving a phone call – ‘Yes I’m on my way home now – yes it’s just arrived’. ‘The driver?’ (To the driver) ‘Sorry its my sister/ Mum/ Auntie just wanting to make sure I’ve got the right taxi can I just tell them what you’re name is and what time they can expect me home?’
• Back to the phone ‘ Yes of course its a proper taxi his number is (read out the drivers number or the registration plate number).
• If you don’t have a nightclub buddy to take this call and there isn’t anyone at home waiting for you then still ring an answer machine and leave this conversation as a message on the machine. It serves the same purpose – no driver intent on abducting you will risk it if they think they’re likely to get caught. There are easier victims out there after all.
• When travelling on other forms of public transport such as buses or trains, avoid taking the window seat as anyone taking the aisle seat next to you will block you in. Sitting in the aisle seat will give you a far better chance of getting out if something untoward happens.
If you think these tips are useful and know someone who might want Street Survival training then contact us here for details of training in your area. If you mange a youth group or are in teaching and want more details for your club school or society then contact us to get further details of our Street Survival Skills Training for Teenagers or for more advice on Personal Safety Go to :
*Young men between the ages of 16 and 26 are the most vulnerable group in society as statistically they come off worst as victims of violent street attacks. [This may or may not surprise you and will be covered in more depth in next month’s blog.]

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