Dynamic Personal Safety
Instinct & Intuition.
During the first few issues of my blog we will be looking at one of the most important factors for survival namely the part played by Instinct & Intuition when it comes to self protection or protecting others.
This is a subject often talked about but understood by just a few and usually only by those who have survived terrifying situations by listening to their instinct.
So what is instinct ?
Something all living creatures have to get their genes into the next generation.
Think of the simple turtle the moment it hatches from its shell it races to the sea knowing what it needs to do, which way to go etc.
Is this what psychologists call ” learned behaviour”. No of course not, how does the turtle know exactly what to do ?
Clearly it is born with this information to aid survival.
Now think about ourselves who have got to the top of the food chain, do you think we are any less gifted, of course not we are born with incredible information to aid our survival (Instinct) and as we go through life we add to this by developing intuition.
Resent scientific research has established that this is the reason most of us do not become the victims of assault or violent crime.
We just know when something is not right and avoid the situation.
Research now suggests that the people who become victims are just not in touch with their instinct or just go straight into denial.
How many men reading this have at some time walked into a pub, ordered their drink and then got a sudden urge to drink up as quick as they can and get out ?
How many women have had a man approach them just asking for the time or directions and suddenly felt the hair on the back of their neck stand up ?
In both the above scenarios the appears to be no logic, it would be difficult to explain to some one what the perceived problem is or was.
This is an emotional response and emotion has no logic
You just get this uncomfortable feeling/emotion which compels you to act.
In the next issue we will be looking at just what happens when the amigdala kicks in an we get the adrenal surge which is usually mistaken for Fear.
For tips on Personal safety go to: www.brooksjordan.co.uk and just click on Street survival tips.